tattoo preparation and aftercare

before your tattoo appointment

  • Certain medications can impact how your tattoos heal or how your body will take the tattooing process (i.e. Accutane, blood thinners, etc.) - make sure to ask your doctor or pharmacist about your medications and getting tattooed!

  • Do not get a sunburn in the area of your tattoo before your appointment (and after). Allow at least 4 weeks to fully heal before any plans to go swimming / hot tubbin' / spend time in the sun

  • Avoid consuming alcohol for the 24-48 hours before your tattoo minimum & HYDRATE

  • Moisturize and exfoliate your skin for the week up to your appointment to make your skin the optimal "canvas" for art

  • Feel free to bring a blanket/warm clothes in case you get cold during your appointment, getting tattooed may induce mild hypothermia for some. You can also bring headphones, a book, your knitting project, and/or other things to help distract you and keep you relaxed.

  • Get a good sleep, eat a meal, and drink lots of water before your appointment! Snacks are a good idea to bring if it’s a longer appointment or if you know you’re a fainter.

  • If you wish to use a numbing cream, this is ok! Please contact me beforehand to let me know as it can affect the appointment timing! Numbing creams are not a guarantee of a pain-free tattoo experience (depending on the cream type & your physiology) as they wear off at some point so be prepared for discomfort. I can help manage during the appointment with Bactine but it will never be 100% pain-free. Do a patch test ahead of time to make sure you’re not allergic to any of the ingredients in any new numbing cream you try!

  • Wear clothing that does not interfere in the area that will be tattooed and that you don’t mind possibly getting tattoo ink stains on (ie. bring a pair of shorts to change into, a shirt with sleeves that can be rolled up, a bra top, shorts that can be rolled up, etc.)

  • Let me know of any other accommodations you may like to help you feel safe and supported as you get your tattoo

  • If you are pregnant, sadly I cannot tattoo you. If you have an appointment I will postpone it until after delivery and you get the go-ahead from your doctor/practitioner


   during the healing stage:

  • Keep it clean, wear loose, breathable clothing, and ensure you change to clean sheets on your bed while your tattoo heals.

  • Keep it dry and only touch it with clean hands when you have to wash it. I like to wash tattoos with clean, wet paper towel and some soap, using gentle circular motions.

  • Don’t do activities that would make contact with your tattoo or cause too much sweating as that can cause irritation or infection.

  • Don’t wear sunscreen until your tattoo is FULLY healed (4 weeks minimum), because the ingredients/chemicals/minerals could irritate your broken skin or cause a reaction.

  • Don’t pick, scratch, or rub your tattoo until it’s healed. You could cause scarring and lose parts of the tattoo.

  • Don’t swim, soak in a hot tub, or take a bath until your tattoo has healed completely. Opt for a shower instead. (It’s fine to soak if you can keep your new tattoo fully out of the water.) Avoid steam rooms and saunas until your new tattoo has healed.

wash your hands before touching or cleaning your healing tattoo!

For an adhesive “second skin” bandage:

  • Some people have adverse reactions to adhesive bandages so always check allergies before using! An adverse reaction is most likely to occur 12-24 hours from application and can look like swelling, redness, hives, irritation, pain, or heat around the bandage edges. If you think you’re reacting, remove the bandage and follow the traditional aftercare below.

  • Leave your tattoo bandage on for a minimum of 2-3 days (some fluid, blood, or excess ink might leak under the bandage, this is normal). The bandage cannot be left on for more than 7 days. If fluid leaks out of the bandage it means the seal is broken to contaminants. You must remove the bandage and follow the traditional tattoo aftercare below.

  • Treat your tattoo like you would any other skin injury. Always clean your hands before touching your new tattoo, and remove the dressing carefully. Find a corner edge with your fingertips and stretch the dressing flat along your skin, outwards from the centre until fully removed from the skin (like a command strip on a wall).

  • If adhesive residue is left, you can use a clean, damp paper towel to gently rub in circles. A little mineral or coconut oil can also loosen the adhesive residue off. Clean oil off the skin after.

  • With clean hands (optional, clean paper towel), gently wash the area with mild, fragrance-free soap and lukewarm water. 

  • Wash your tattoo twice a day for the first two weeks. Keep it clean and dry, as the buildup of plasma/blood/fluid drying onto the tattoo surface can cause scabbing, cracking and potentially scarring or ink loss.

  • As the tattoo feels tight or itchy, cover your tattoo with a very THIN layer of unscented lotion or ointment (I recommend Lubriderm, Cetaphil cleanser, Cerave cleanser, or Aquaphor). Leave the tattoo undisturbed as much as possible & let your skin breathe and heal.

  • Avoid the sun as much as possible and cover your tattoo when in the sun! Opt for loose-fitting, sun-protective clothing while your tattoo heals. Once it is fully healed (4-6 weeks minimum), use a high SPF! UV radiation is bad for skin in general, it also can damage/fade/blur your tattoos.

  • Reach out to your doctor and tattooer if you have any unusual swelling, irritation, or other signs of infection or allergic reactions around the site of your tattoo.

For a traditional tattoo bandage:

  • Leave your tattoo covered for a minimum of 3-6 hours to let it absorb any fluid, blood, or excess ink that might leak out. Do not leave the bandage on for more than 24 hours.

  • Your tattoo is a wound. When you’re ready to remove the bandage, treat your tattoo like you would any other skin injury. Always clean your hands before touching your new tattoo, and remove the dressing carefully.

  • With clean hands (optional, clean paper towel), gently wash the area with soap and water. Always use lukewarm-cool water and a mild, fragrance-free soap. 

  • Wash your tattoo twice a day for the first two weeks minimum! Keep it clean and dry, as buildup of plasma/blood/fluid drying onto the tattoo surface can cause scabbing, cracking and potentially scarring or ink loss.

  • Let it breathe and keep it dry by patting it with a clean cloth or paper towel as fluids surface. 

  • As the tattoo starts to feel tight or itchy, cover your whole tattoo with a very THIN layer of unscented lotion or ointment. Leave the tattoo undisturbed as much as possible to let your skin breathe and heal.

  • Avoid the sun as much as possible and cover your tattoo when in the sun! Opt for loose-fitting, sun-protective clothing while your tattoo heals. Once it is fully healed (4-6 weeks minimum), use a high SPF! UV radiation is bad for skin in general, it also can damage/fade/blur your tattoos.

  • Reach out to your tattoo artist and doctor if you have any unusual swelling, irritation, or other signs of infection or allergic reactions around the site of your tattoo.